ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Publicity Materials Spotted Around The Campus Area

Have you spotted our publicity materials throughout around the campus? Yes, there were around the campus during last weeks!

Publicity material acts as a very important tools on promoting the ALLWAYS SAFE CAMPAIGN which was a campaign that emphasis on HOME, CAMPUS & SOCIAL eaPERSONAL SAFETY. Besides the on ground publicity, the publicity materials such as banner, buntings, posters, flyers and as well as the stand boards helped the campaign to have maximum reach to the students and staffs.

The team was work together at the printing shop on fasten the outcome of publicity materials.

Our publicity team started to paste and hang up all the publicity materials around the college campus. The team was divided into 2 groups on pasting the publicity materials at different locations.

During the process of pasting publicity materials, we did gained some help from the students. The students were so kind on helping out the team as the height of the team who stand from girls are quite limited on hanging up the banner and bunting.

We would like to express THOUSANDS THANKS to the kind people on helping us out and it definitely fasten the process of pasting and hanging the publicity materials.

Last but not least, be sure that you are ALLways and alWAYS Safe!

Beh Zhi Lin
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College