ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Friday, 24 July 2015

Official Closing Ceremony of Personal Safety - ALLways Safe Campaign

23 July , Thursday 

The Personal Safety - ALLways Safe Campaign organized by the M3RPR students has finally come to an end. The closing ceremony was being carried out successfully with all the VIPs - Ms Dearna Kee June Chen from Dean of Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mr Chuan Tek Pheung,Programme Leader of Public Relations,Ms Lim Siz Siz, Programme Leader of Public Relations, Ms Yap Teng Teng, Programme Leader of Media Studies, Ms Yap Pao Sium, Programme Leader of Journalism, Ms Samantha Le Simon, Advisor and the sponsors of D Marc Managemanet Sdn Bhd to get along to witness the closing ceremony.


The closing ceremony started with a speech from our VIP ! Ms Dearna Kee. Ms Dearna Keedelivered her speech with her thoughts of Personal Safety - ALLways Safe Campaign by telling the great experiences she exposed to towards the Safe House and Travelling Journey knowledge. The objectives of the campaign was brought up successfully as the three main areas are being emphasized , Campus Safety , Social Safety and Home Safety.

The campaign drived the knowledge in audiences who participates in the Safe House activities as well as Travelling Journey to be more precautions towards their surrounding all the time as their Personal Safety is always at risk.


The ceremony closed by inviting back our VIP , Ms Dearna Kee to the stage and all the three victims who experienced in the Campus Safety , Social Safety and Home Safety to the stage as well and together deliver the Personal Safety Shield as delivering the message of ALLways Safe Campaign to our VIPS as well as the audiences.


Lastly , a group photo was taken with all the VIPs to officially end the closing ceremony.

Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College