ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

ALLways Safe Campaign - Personal Safe while Travelling

Nowadays, many people love to travel around the world especially teenagers, many of them normally will travel together with their family members, friends or some even love to travel alone and it depends on everyone interest. Travelling is a very good activity but do they really aware and concern about their personal safety issue while travelling? The knowledge of personal safety is very important for everyone because we must know how to protect our own self and be safe while travelling around no matter with friends or travelling alone.

Thus, here are some tips regarding personal safety while travelling that need to be aware and pay attention to:

First, do not be alone. Stay close to other people around us no matter is in public transport, restaurant or other places better than sitting alone away from crowd while travelling in other countries. The reason is because many of the criminals like to attack and choose the victim who is alone especially towards the traveler because it is much easier for them to attack or rob on them when no people are around. 

Besides, always stay aware and alert to the surroundings especially travelling in other countries. This is because we do not familiar towards other countries and also when we travel to other countries, we almost forget to stay aware to the surroundings because of the excitement. Thus, while enjoying at the same time we must always stay alert and focus to the people around us.

Furthermore, when we go travel, remember always keep the valuables out of sight and do not wear too much of jewelry with us while travelling around. This is because if we often show our valuables towards public especially in other countries, we do not know when are we going to be the next victim and we also do not know whether someone already staring for our valuables. Besides, don’t wear too much of jewelry because it might attract some criminals around us while travelling and if unlucky tragedy will happened towards us.

Moreover, leave a complete travel schedule for our family member or friends before we depart to other countries. This is because in case there’s anything happened while we are travelling to other places and when we leave a complete travel schedule which mentioned places that we going in other countries, it will be easier for them to help us if emergency or any crisis happened.

Besides that, bring along personal safety devices along with us while travelling to other places. There are few examples of personal safety devices such as pepper spray, keychain personal alarm, stun guns and etc. Personal safety devices mostly is in a very small and light so it might be very convenient for us to bring around for protection especially girls.  If we do not know how to do physical activity such as self –defense during a very emergency situation, then we can use the devices and it might be very useful especially travelling around.

In addition, do not tell anyone when you are travelling alone. Never tell anybody that you're traveling alone when you are in other countries. Lie to them if necessary because this is to protect our own self and if someone approaches you and asked that "Is this your first time in Europe?" respond with "No, we visit often and we love here very much!" This is because sometimes the stranger's request is probably genuine, but there's no need to publicize your vulnerability.

Last by not least, choose your accommodations carefully. Choose a place to stay when you are travelling to other places with a national hotel chain with a good safety record to ensure your own safety. There are some hotels offered women-only floors and girls especially travelling alone or with girlfriends, this is the best choice to choose. Besides, when booking for a room, ask for a room above the ground floor, close to the elevator, and away from emergency exits and stairwells.

As a conclusion, tips to stay safe when travelling are very important for everyone. Therefore, we must have the knowledge regarding our own personal safety knowledge so that we can prevent the crime case happened towards us and even there’s a crisis happened we will keep calm and would not be so panic when facing the bad situation.


Cheyenn Diong Jing Ru
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College