ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Thursday, 30 July 2015

ALLways Safe Campaign - Meeting a stranger?

It is a common thing to meet or date with someone that we don’t really know about him/her. Other than meeting a person that we know from online, sometimes we also met strangers through our friends in a party, clubbing, dinner and so on. We might never meet them before and whatever we knew about them is only from our friends or set up through mutual friends. It can be exciting and fun, but remember that you have no firsthand knowledge and information about the person you are meeting.

Social Safety is one of the personal safety categories that we emphasized in our ALLways Safe Campaign. In the promotional video and exhibition, we had shown a scene that a girl was the victim of improper socializing life. This tragedy turned up the hurt in physical and mental and also her repent forever.

Other than that, there is some scene which had shown up in the Oculus Rift to let the participants to experience the potentially danger and threat around the social environment; including a girl being drugged and this is a big problem while others not really aware about this. So, do follow some guides here to staying safe when meeting a stranger if you don’t wish to be the next victim.

1. Tell a friend or family where you’re going

It doesn’t matter who you tell, but just in case, make sure someone else that you trusted and closed in the world knows exactly who, where and when you’re meeting. You can always keep them updated wherever you go with a friend or better in a group chat. But make sure that they are having much caring on you.

2. Time and Place

It is better to meet someone in day times than night time although most of the date will be on night time. Besides that, choose a public place which you are familiar with it or nearby your house. Don’t choose places which there were only few inhabitants round the place. Don’t let them to arrange the place and don’t agree to change a meeting place for a short time. If really need to do so, try to make a background check of the place or have a look early with friends.

3. Don’t be alone.

Get one or few trusted friends to join you for the meeting. Let your friends take you a ride to the meeting place and also fetch you back after that. This can protect you and alert the strangers that your friend is with you and they can’t do any bad things to you; Avoid getting into their transportation as you don’t really know them.

4. Your drinks and food.

Don’t drink or eat any beverage or food that you have left under your sight. It is better to spend extra money to buy it again rather than let yourself fall into the danger of being drugged. Don’t simply accept the drinks or food from strangers as you don’t know it is free from drug or not.

Be aware of your surroundings all the time no matter when and where you are. 
You, have the responsible for your own safety. Have FUN, but be SAFE

Gender Equality Education Resource Center School 2009 ‘Dating Trap of Students’,

Ng Xiu Ying
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College