ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Power Combat Workshop in TAR UC

Power Combat is an interval training program is fiercely energetic and is inspired by mixed martial arts! Power Combat draws from karate, kung fu, boxing, taekwondo and Muay Thai to name a few. Supported by driving music, you will strike, punch, kick and kata your way through a lot of calories to superior cardio fitness.

Did you know that Body Combat is the equivalent of doing 1,700 crunches!

We are honored to invite Mr Meor Daniel, a professional combat trainer to share his knowledge regarding self-defense tips towards our target audiences. Mr Meor Daniel conducted an hour workshop at Canteen 1 (Red Bricks Café) which was full of fun and memorable with all the participants.

Mr Meor Daniel teaching participants some self defense skills
Participant is performing a self-defense act towards Mr. Meor Daniel 
Participant is executing what he learnt from today’s workshop
A photo taking session with all the participants after the Power Combat Workshop

In summary, Power Combat Workshop aims to educate our target audience the proper ways to defend themselves when the skills are needed. Nevertheless, the knowledge learn from this workshop would be lifetime and could be used works all of the time. We urge that our readers take “Personal Safety” as your first priority. 

A group photo shooting session with the Personal Safety Team after the successful Power Combat Workshop !

“We care for your Personal Safety , Be ALLways and alWAYS Safe.” 

Alvin See Chin Keong
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College