ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Friday, 24 July 2015

Oculus rift

We always remind people that crime can happen to anyone, bad situation could just happen without you even being aware of it. Hence, it is important to takes personal safety tips to cope with dangerous situation. But, how to persuade a person to believe in or even take action to against something that is unpredictable? Well, it is undoubtedly people always get convinced by the experiences they gained. 

So, this is why we had brought in the Oculus Rift for our ALLways safe event sponsored by Frame Motion Studio. As with any new technology, Oculus Rift is only as good as the creativity and storytelling that goes into making it come alive. The Rift is a virtual reality head-mounted display developed by Oculus VR. It was initially proposed in a Kickstarter campaign, during which Oculus VR at the time an independent company raised US$2.4 million for the development of the product. 

During the on-ground event of ALLways safe, the Oculus Rift had given audiences to experience the nightlife atmosphere, and things that are potentially danger around the environment. With the 3D displays, it enabling the most immersive experience possible to remind audiences to keep themselves when they are socializing. The video that audiences had seen in the Oculus Rift was taken by the team members at Changkat Kuala Lumpur, using 6 pairs of GoPro to film the 3D, 360 degree video assisted by the employees from Frame Motion. 

The dangers that witnessed and experienced by the audiences with Oculus Rift such as drink spiking, drunk, fighting and kidnap, were planned by the actors as a purpose to demonstrate the potential risks to the person when he or she heading out to bar for a night of celebration. 

There were students, lecturers and staff wearing the Oculus rift to experience the social scene. It was the hottest game during the on-ground event, as the reactions and movements from the audiences were creating excitement. 

Comments from audiences: 

One of the best experiences I have had with Oculus Rift and the nightlife scene!

It was so fun! It’s so vivid and real!

I was pretending like I was tipsy after got out from the bar, because the scene got blurry sometimes and I actually thought that I was drunk in that sense. 

I was not only observed the things, but I actually felt like I was immersed in it. 

The Oculus Rift gave audiences a real sense of situational awareness. The experiences they had gained from this campaign would not quickly fade away as the way of presenting personal safety issue from ALLways safe is something that memorable and long-lasting. 


Foon Ho Ying
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College