ALLways Safe Campaign

ALLways Safe Campaign

Friday, 31 July 2015

ALLways Safe Campaign has come to an end !!

ALLways Safe campaign has come to the end! We are deeply appreciated to anyone who joined this meaningful campaign. For anyone who missed this three days campaign, here are some campaign highlights we would like to share.

ALLway Safe Campaign TEAM!
This campaign is organised by 37 committee members from Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) that aimed to create awareness, to educate the audience on ways and practical solutions in personal safety and to encourage students and staffs to have a positive behavior change towards personal safety.

Our campaign main idea are basically to focus on three main pillars on Home, Campus and Social safety due to the public are constantly exposed to risk in this three area. Also, not to forget, there were several exciting activities during the three days awareness campaign. The highlights of the campaign were the ‘Oculus Rift’, a 3D and 360 degree virtual reality head-mounted display which stimulated personal safety scenario to experience real-life experience on personal safety. Besides, Travelling Journey provided audiences with first hand personal safety experience as a victim.

During the second day of ALLways Safe campaign, Mr. Meor Daniel was invited to give audiences a ‘Power Combat Workshop’ and audiences were actively participated in this workshop to make this campaign a success!

To again enhance everyone knowledge of personal safety from different perspective, a sharing session of ‘Tonexcel Care about Your Personal Safety’ was conducted to focus on Toneexcel contribution in enhancing their users’ personal safety through Personal Accident Insurance.

The three-day campaign has managed to convey its key message to approximately of 1500 audiences to instill their key message within the public. We were received positive comments saying that the knowledge and information provided such as emergency contact list, personal safety tips , self defense techniques that was showcased is useful.

Wong Zhen Cheng
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Summary of ALLways Safe campaign

ALLways Safe campaign finally ends in these 3 days from July 21 until July 23. Due to these 3 days campaign that conducted at canteen 1, 37 students of ALLways safe campaign members are works hard in this campaign and it is a bitter sweet experience that I get it after campaign.

Due to this campaign, 37 committee members are helping each other and would not have any comments on it. Because of our effort, ALLways Safe campaign would successfully during these 3 days. All the committee members enjoyed to the moment that selling pepper spray, handle activities booth-Taro and mini games booth, travelling journey oculus and exhibition. 

Furthermore, we would like thank you our sponsor- Stoper Industries Holdings Sdn Bhd  for sponsor us pepper spray, Sun Tent Sdn Bhd for sponsor tent to us, Perfect Sign Marketing (m) Sdn Bhd and Chialat Photocopy sponsor us printing material and T-shirt , D’marc Management for sponsor us decoration of campaign and Frame Motion Studio sponsor us Oculus in the campaign.

Next, we would like to thank you SinChew Daily, Oriental Daily, China Press and The Star published our campaign.  A big thank you to media that came our campaign. For the news coverage that published by Oriential Daily, please visit to take a look.

Yap Zhi Ling
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

The three main Characters ALLways Safe Campaign (Home, Campus and Social)

In ALLways Safe campaign, we focus on the three main areas: Home Safety, Campus Safety and Social Safety. The reason of using these three areas were because students and stuffs of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College are exposed more on these three areas. We hope them to keep themselves safe no matter at home, campus or social. 

In order to create strong safety awareness, we created three characters which represent each of the area. Three of them were involved in ALLways Safe Campaign publicity video.

This video showing that how their carelessness put them into the dangerous situations.

Click the link to watch the full Publicity video:

At the end of every part of the publicity video, three of them also got injured. In order to highlight the safety issues and create the real feeling, three characters were wore the similar clothing with the Publicity video and make up with terrible wounds to their faces and limbs in every publicity. We have learned several injuries make up through Youtube tutorials (Sources : and, which included bruised (Figure 1.1), abrasion (Figure 1.2), scratch (Figure 1.3) and ripped skin injury (Figure 1.4).   

                               Figure 1.1 Face bruised

                               Figure 1.12 Abrasion

                               Figure 1.3 Scratch

                               Figure 1.4 Ripped skin injuries

Three main characters make up with severe wound (Figure 1.5) and involved in every publicity such as Lecture to Lecture Publicity (Figure 1.6), On ground publicity (Figure 1.7), Posters (Figure 1.8). This strategy can definitely help to create the attention, curiosity and fear to students and stuffs in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. 

 Figure 1.5 Three main characters make up with severe wound 

                Figure 1.6 Lecture to Lecture Publicity

                                Figure 1.7 on ground publicity

                                       Figure 1.8 Posters (Home, Campus and Social)

In addition, stand board Publicity (Figure 1.9) and the Exhibition of ALLways Safe campaign (Figure 2.0) also used these three to explain why they got injured. For the Home safety stand board we put at Canteen 1, Campus Safety at Bus Station while Social Safety was put at Canteen 2. We hope the repetitive characters appear can help students and stuffs to be aware about their own Safety.

                            Figure 1.9 Stand board Publicity (Home, Campus and Social)

           Figure 2.0 Exhibition of ALLways Safe campaign 

Chiam Yong Seng
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

The Story about ALLways Safe Campaign

Once upon a time, there were 37 students who are studying Bachelor of Public Relations Year 3 in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC). They organized a successful campaign named “ALLways Safe Campaign” in year 2015. They were led by an intelligent event supervisor named Miss Lim. The students contributed their time and effort throughout 11 weeks in order to make the campaign successfully. Now, let me start the story about ALLways Safe Campaign.

First of all, I would introduce the main characters of this story. 37 of them were separated into different departments which are the top management team, the planning and programming department, the publicity department, the sponsorship department, the exhibition department and the logistic department.  Everyone in the team was playing an important role in order to make the campaign successful. After a brief introduction about the characters, lets us continue with the beginning of the campaign. 

The first group photo of ALLways Safe Campaign committees
After distributing jobs to different departments, the committees came out with their main idea of the campaign which is ALLways Safe. The theme “ALLways Safe” was set to tell the audience that their campaign would provide ALL WAYS for them to be safe ALWAYS. That’s also the reason they came out with the slogan “ALLways and alWAYS Safe”. Once they decided on their main concept, they started to work on their campaign according to the theme.

The planning and programming team started to come out with a lot of attractive strategies and tactics that matched with their theme. The publicity team also started to work on the designs of campaign T-shirt and publicity materials. Besides, the logistic department was helping to book the venue and deal with the TAR UC estate department while the exhibition team were busy preparing the important information for the campaign. The sponsorship department also worked hard to get sponsorship for the campaign.

For sure, the leader and assistant were busy leading the departments. They conducted many meetings in order to make sure everything was being planned and run smooth. The secretary was doing the meeting minutes and assisting the leader and assistant leader in decision making. The whole team was having big passion in organizing the campaign under the guidance of Miss Lim. 

The committees from different department who contributed a lot in ALLways Safe Campaign!
Finally, the ALLways Safe Campaign was organized. During the three-day campaign, the committees were working very hard for the campaign. They were surprised by the number of crowd and the positive feedback from the audience. The audience were having big interest in joining the activities such as the travelling journey, Oculus rift and the combat workshop. The committees were satisfied with the outcome of their campaign. 
The activities conducted during the three-day ALLways Safe Campaign!)
However, there were unhappiness and sadness in this story. Throughout the 11 weeks of planning and organizing the campaign, 37 of them were facing a lot of difficulties and problems. They were having misunderstanding on the other members, facing the problems in communicating with each other and started to blame on each other. The problems were slowly solved after a post mortem session conducted by Miss Lim after the campaign.

This is the end of the story of ALLways Safe Campaign. By telling this story, I hope the readers will gain more knowledge about the whole process of organizing a campaign and learn about their team spirit and their passion in organizing the campaign.  “ALLways and alWAYS Safe”!
Congratulations and thanks to everyone for making ALLways Safe Campaign successful!

Ng Ling Sen
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

ALLways Safe Campaign - Meeting a stranger?

It is a common thing to meet or date with someone that we don’t really know about him/her. Other than meeting a person that we know from online, sometimes we also met strangers through our friends in a party, clubbing, dinner and so on. We might never meet them before and whatever we knew about them is only from our friends or set up through mutual friends. It can be exciting and fun, but remember that you have no firsthand knowledge and information about the person you are meeting.

Social Safety is one of the personal safety categories that we emphasized in our ALLways Safe Campaign. In the promotional video and exhibition, we had shown a scene that a girl was the victim of improper socializing life. This tragedy turned up the hurt in physical and mental and also her repent forever.

Other than that, there is some scene which had shown up in the Oculus Rift to let the participants to experience the potentially danger and threat around the social environment; including a girl being drugged and this is a big problem while others not really aware about this. So, do follow some guides here to staying safe when meeting a stranger if you don’t wish to be the next victim.

1. Tell a friend or family where you’re going

It doesn’t matter who you tell, but just in case, make sure someone else that you trusted and closed in the world knows exactly who, where and when you’re meeting. You can always keep them updated wherever you go with a friend or better in a group chat. But make sure that they are having much caring on you.

2. Time and Place

It is better to meet someone in day times than night time although most of the date will be on night time. Besides that, choose a public place which you are familiar with it or nearby your house. Don’t choose places which there were only few inhabitants round the place. Don’t let them to arrange the place and don’t agree to change a meeting place for a short time. If really need to do so, try to make a background check of the place or have a look early with friends.

3. Don’t be alone.

Get one or few trusted friends to join you for the meeting. Let your friends take you a ride to the meeting place and also fetch you back after that. This can protect you and alert the strangers that your friend is with you and they can’t do any bad things to you; Avoid getting into their transportation as you don’t really know them.

4. Your drinks and food.

Don’t drink or eat any beverage or food that you have left under your sight. It is better to spend extra money to buy it again rather than let yourself fall into the danger of being drugged. Don’t simply accept the drinks or food from strangers as you don’t know it is free from drug or not.

Be aware of your surroundings all the time no matter when and where you are. 
You, have the responsible for your own safety. Have FUN, but be SAFE

Gender Equality Education Resource Center School 2009 ‘Dating Trap of Students’,

Ng Xiu Ying
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

ALLways Safe Campaign - Personal Safe while Travelling

Nowadays, many people love to travel around the world especially teenagers, many of them normally will travel together with their family members, friends or some even love to travel alone and it depends on everyone interest. Travelling is a very good activity but do they really aware and concern about their personal safety issue while travelling? The knowledge of personal safety is very important for everyone because we must know how to protect our own self and be safe while travelling around no matter with friends or travelling alone.

Thus, here are some tips regarding personal safety while travelling that need to be aware and pay attention to:

First, do not be alone. Stay close to other people around us no matter is in public transport, restaurant or other places better than sitting alone away from crowd while travelling in other countries. The reason is because many of the criminals like to attack and choose the victim who is alone especially towards the traveler because it is much easier for them to attack or rob on them when no people are around. 

Besides, always stay aware and alert to the surroundings especially travelling in other countries. This is because we do not familiar towards other countries and also when we travel to other countries, we almost forget to stay aware to the surroundings because of the excitement. Thus, while enjoying at the same time we must always stay alert and focus to the people around us.

Furthermore, when we go travel, remember always keep the valuables out of sight and do not wear too much of jewelry with us while travelling around. This is because if we often show our valuables towards public especially in other countries, we do not know when are we going to be the next victim and we also do not know whether someone already staring for our valuables. Besides, don’t wear too much of jewelry because it might attract some criminals around us while travelling and if unlucky tragedy will happened towards us.

Moreover, leave a complete travel schedule for our family member or friends before we depart to other countries. This is because in case there’s anything happened while we are travelling to other places and when we leave a complete travel schedule which mentioned places that we going in other countries, it will be easier for them to help us if emergency or any crisis happened.

Besides that, bring along personal safety devices along with us while travelling to other places. There are few examples of personal safety devices such as pepper spray, keychain personal alarm, stun guns and etc. Personal safety devices mostly is in a very small and light so it might be very convenient for us to bring around for protection especially girls.  If we do not know how to do physical activity such as self –defense during a very emergency situation, then we can use the devices and it might be very useful especially travelling around.

In addition, do not tell anyone when you are travelling alone. Never tell anybody that you're traveling alone when you are in other countries. Lie to them if necessary because this is to protect our own self and if someone approaches you and asked that "Is this your first time in Europe?" respond with "No, we visit often and we love here very much!" This is because sometimes the stranger's request is probably genuine, but there's no need to publicize your vulnerability.

Last by not least, choose your accommodations carefully. Choose a place to stay when you are travelling to other places with a national hotel chain with a good safety record to ensure your own safety. There are some hotels offered women-only floors and girls especially travelling alone or with girlfriends, this is the best choice to choose. Besides, when booking for a room, ask for a room above the ground floor, close to the elevator, and away from emergency exits and stairwells.

As a conclusion, tips to stay safe when travelling are very important for everyone. Therefore, we must have the knowledge regarding our own personal safety knowledge so that we can prevent the crime case happened towards us and even there’s a crisis happened we will keep calm and would not be so panic when facing the bad situation.


Cheyenn Diong Jing Ru
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

ALLways Safe Campaign - Publicity Materials

About the design of logo, capital P and S to indicate that this is a Personal Safety campaign logo. In this campaign, we mainly focus on home safety, campus safety and social safety as these three areas are students consistently exposed to. Therefore, we apply home, campus and social icons inside the P and S in order to create Personal Safety awareness of students toward the three areas. The slogan ‘ALLways and always Safe’ will place at the below of logo. Therefore, theme color will be black and neon color. As for black color creates fear appeal and neon green is one of a bright color then green brings out a feel of harmony. By combining of neon and green, it will flash out an attraction to people.

Beginning of the week, publicity team is having a discussion with Personal Safety team. As our publicity material will include banner, flyer, poster, bunting, mascot and emergency card. We have decided to come out a template that is newspaper templates, but it depends on the design outcome.

Newspaper template

Before a week of pre-event, the designs completed. Publicity team went to give out the soft-copy of the design of publicity materials. The materials that able to obtain immediately are posters and flyers.

Photo 3: Campus Safety poster

Photo 4: Social Safety poster

Photo 5: Home Safety poster

Photo 6: Flyer
Therefore, publicity team has created a huge board by putting our campaign information with a huge logo and font. The usage of this board is while walking with mascots, another person will be holding this board show and explain our campaign info to people.

Photo 7: Publicity team is preparing the board

During pre-event, mascots started to walk around the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College as well as holding their own posters. In additional, make-up will be one of our publicity that we wanted to attract people attention.

Photo 8: Mascot are putting up their makeup
Photo 9: Mascots with their makeup and hold their own posters

After the design of banner and buntings has been done, publicity team went to Chialat Photocopy help the worker complete the publicity materials such as buntings and banner. The next day will be hang around the university college.

Photo 10: Publicity team went to Chialat Photocopy main shop

Photo 11: Banner

Photo 12: Bunting

Stand board will be refer to our ‘Home Safety’, ‘Social Safety ’ and  ‘Campus Safety’.

Photo 13: Home Safety stand board

Photo 14: Social Safety stand board

Photo 15: Campus Safety stand board
Furthermore, invitation cards need to work together with leader that need to ensure the design of the card and names of the VIPs. After the cards are done, the cards will send to VIPs.

Photo 13: Invitation Card

After the event ends, the flyers, posters and stand board will be removed. Then, banner and buntings will take down around University College by request help from estate workers.

Photo 14: Taking down the bunting

Photo 15: Untie the banner

Photo 16: Taking down the banner

Tham Hoi Yan
Students of Bachelor In Public Relations (Honours)
Faculty Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College